Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thor (2 1/2 Stars - 4 Stars)

            There were some good moments and there were some bad moments. However, the most perplexing thing about this movie was that they didn't answer "why." Why should I watch this movie? There is usually a reason why we watch superhero movies. We want to be in their shoes and have mystical powers, or fancy gadgets. So what does Thor offer, other than the hammer?

            The movie starts out with a narrative about Odin fighting against the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, setting up the story. We then see that Thor is going to ascend the throne, but before he does, he goes to Jotunheim, the realm of the Frost Giants, and rage war against them with his buddies. This leads him to being banished and having his brother, Loki, take the throne momentarily. This is also where we meet the Earth characters. We first have Jane Foster, her annoying friend, Darcy, and Erik. Together, they help nurse Thor back to life and although there are some comedic value between these characters, the idea of this was flat out uninspiring. Not only that, it plays as a clueless sitcom of Thor walking around and making a fool out of himself. This is a superhero movie, not a sitcom.

            The thing I liked about this movie was the personality behind the characters, despite having them saying godlike boring dialogue. Thor was impulsive, Loki wanted power, and Jane was helpful and kind. Loki's performance had me at best because in the end, we start caring for him, despite being the bad guy. Thor does get too arrogant in the beginning and it gets ridiculous for some time. The Earth characters do not interest me so much because the movie is not really about them. The relationship with Jane and Thor, though awkward at first, sort of worked out in the end. I also felt a changed in character when Thor fights the Automaton. There was some tension in that moment, but the real important part of that was not the fighting, but the character and his realization of his flaw. I thought that worked pretty well.

            To some degree, the special effects were not jarring and it worked pretty well. There were some slanted angle shots that felt unnecessary, but the 3D was not in your face 3D. The scenery in Asgard were done pretty well, even though it was full on CGI. I even liked the rainbow bridge and the gate. The beginning battle scene, although pointless, was done pretty well and I'll give them credit for that.

            The reason why I do not like this movie is because of the marketing scam behind it. It's all a set up for "The Avengers." for the same reason why they killed "Iron-Man 2," the SHIELD people will not leave the superheroes alone. The whole confrontation scene where Thor tries to pull Mjolnir out from the ground was pointless. The whole reason why that scene was there was for him to realize he was not worthy when he couldn't pull the hammer out. We didn't have to go through a pointless fight scene and a pointless introduction to Jeremy Renner's character. To me, the SHIELD people were just fillers and nothing more.

            Why was this movie worth watching? There was no part that was memorable. It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't inspirational. Everyone wants to be Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, or Iron-Man. Everyone wants to fight crime, or save people from a burning building. We want what superheroes have, and that is the ability to do what's right. They are the heroes that we all wish to be when reflecting in a mirror. In the end, I had to ask this question. Who would want to be Thor? 

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